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 Gravestones in Duns Parish
Christ Church Duns

Borders Family History Society has recently published a C.D. containing a transcription and photographs of all the gravestones in both the Parish and the Episcopal (Christ Church) Churchyards, respectively 402 and and 143 stones.

As well as a transcription and photograph of every stone there are a number of very useful records and references including a general history of the Parish, a transcription of plaques and window dedications within both Churches, a transcription of  the Hearth Tax of 1694, the Lieutenancy Roll of 1798, the Militia List of 1801 and a list of the ministers of all the various Churches in Duns over the years as well as a full transcript of the War Memorial in the Public Park. There are also detailed plans of both churchyards showing the locations of the graves.

The pre 1855 stones in the Parish Churchyard had previously been recorded by D.C. Cargill and others in 1970 but even in the comparatively short intervening period they were found to have deteriorated to a considerable extent and some to have disappeared completely. So far as is known there had not been a previous transcription of stones in the Episcopal Church.

















There are over 430 different surnames included in the inscriptions on the gravestones as follows;


Affleck, Ainslie, Aitcheson, Aitchison, Aitken, Allan, Allison, Allport, Ancrum, Anderson, Atchison, Atkinson, Attenborough, Bailie, Baird, Bairnsfather, Barber, Barclay, Bate, Bates, Baynham, Beale, Belches, Bell, Bellwood, Bertram, Bews, Binny, Bird, Black, Blackadder, Blackhall, Blackie, Blaikie, Blair, Bonne, Boog, Boston, Bowlby, Bowmaker, Boyd, Braidie, Branford, Braydon, Bretton, Bron, Brooks, Broun, Brown, Buchan, Burdon, Burgoin, Burn, Burnett, Burton, Cairns, Calder, Campbell, Carruthers, Carss, Cassy, Cathcart, Caverhill, Chalmers, Chapman, Chirnside, Clarke, Clements, Clerk, Cockburn, Cockshott, Colquhoun, Colson, Colvin, Coombe, Cooper, Cossar, Cosser, Coultman, Cow, Cowlie, Cox, Craig, Craik, Craw, Crawford, Crease, Crichton, Crombie, Crowder, Cruikshanks, Cumine, Cunningham, Curre, Curry, Cuttler, Darling, Davidson, Dawson, Daykins, Deas, Dempster, Dewar, Dick, Dickieson, Dickinson, Dickison, Dickson, Dixon, Dodds, Dods, Donaldson, Doubleday, Douglas, Drysdale, Duggan, Dunbar, Duncan, Duns, Dunse, Eccles, Edgar, Edgley, Edington, Elliot, Erskine, Everett, Ewart, Ewing, Fair, Fairbairn, Falconer, Farnington, Farrow, Ferguson, Fielding, Fife, Fleming, Flint, Forbes, Ford, Foreman, Forrest, Forsyth, Fraser, Frater, Frazer, Frost, Fulton, Galbraith, Gardiner, Garstin, Garven, Gaskell, Gavin, Gibb, Gibson, Gilbert, Gillie, Gillies, Golightly, Gopel, Gordon, Graham, Gray, Greak, Greene, Greenlaw, Grieve, Guthrie, Haig, Hair, Hall, Hamilton, Hastie, Hatelie, Hately, Hay, Heatley, Heatlie, Henderson, Henry, Heron, Hewit, Hill, Hillston, Hislop, Hogg, Holiwell, Hollis, Holyday, Holywell, Home, Hood, Horn, Houlison, Houliston, Houston, Howe, Howman, Hudson, Hume, Hunter, Hurst, Idington, Imhof, Ingles, Inglis, Irvine, Jack, Jaffery, Jameson, Jamieson, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Kay, Ker, Kerr, King, Kinghorn, Kirkwood, Kitson, Knight, Knox, Lackenby, Lamb, Lamont, Landale, Landells, Landels, Landles, Lauder, Laurie, Lawrie, Lawson, Learmonth, Leitch, Leith, Leslie, Liddel, Liddell, Liddle, Lidster, Liel, Lillie, Lilly, Lisney, Lockie, Logan, Longstaff, Lorain, Lorrain, Lowrey, Lugton, Luke, Lunan, Lynn, Mabbott, Mabon, Machin, Mack, Mackenzie, Maddison, Mann, Marshall, Martin, Masey, Mason, Mavin, Maxwell, May, Mccrie, Mccullagh, Mcfarlane, Mcguffog, Mcleod, Mcwatt, Meiklejohn, Melrose, Menzies, Merlet, Mickle, Middlemiss, Millar, Miller, Milliken, Mitchelson, Mitchill, Moffat, Moffet, Moncrieff, Montgomerie, Moore, Morris, Morson, Moscrop, Mundie, Murray, Neilson, Newbigging, Nicholson, Nicolson, Nisbet, Nitsche, Norris, Ogg, Oliver, Ord, Park, Paterson, Patterson, Paxton, Peacock, Pearson, Peat, Penny, Pirie, Pottinger, Preston, Pringle, Proverbs, Purves, Queen, Rae, Ralston, Rankin, Readdie, Redford, Redpath, Renton, Richardson, Robertson, Robinson, Romain, Ross, Rouen, Russel, Russell, Rutherford, Sanderson, Sandilands, Sandys-lumsdaine, Scarth, Scott, Scoular, Sedgley, Seton, Sharp, Shaw, Shearman, Sheffeild, Shelton, Shiel, Sidey, Simenton, Simpson, Sligh, Smith, Snodgrass, Spence, Spencer, Spiers, Squire, Stanley, Steel, Steep, Stenson, Stephenson, Stevenson, Steveson, Stevinson, Stewart, Stirling, Stivenson, Stodart, Stoddart, Storey, Strachen, Sunderland, Swan, Swine, Symington, Tait, Taylor, Thatcher, Thompson, Thomson, Tibes, Tipper, Tod, Todd, Took, Tooney, Torrie, Trench, Trotter, Tuck, Turnbull, Utterson, Vallentyne, Virtue, Waddel, Wait, Waite, Waldie, Walkinshaw, Wate, Watherston, Watson, Watt, Weatherburn, Weatherhead, Webster, Weir, Wells, White, Whitehead, Whitelaw, Whitsom, Wight, Wigton, Wilkinson, Wilson, Winter, Wishart, Wolfe, Wood, Wyber, Yeoman, Young.


A number of members of the Society assisted in the transcription of these stones in the summer of 2009. The CD costs £9 plus postage. To purchase a copy, please contact  Sales Convenor, Borders Family History Society. at:


Symbolic headstone in churchyard

War Memorial in Church

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